30 Days of Snaps Summary!!! Day #1 through Day #30 Summary August 05 2014

30 Days of Snaps Summary!!!

I made it!  30 Days of KAM Snap ideas and tutorials, I am so proud of myself :).  Here is a summary of what I did for all of you who are have only seen a few or are just joining us.

Day #1

hkshoes title

Day #2

snow-hat5 title

Day #3

pram3 title

Day #4

bra repair with kam snaps title

Day #5


Day #6


Day #7

socks title

Day #8


Day #9


Day #10

Unpaper_Towel_pic9_grande title

Day #11

Unpaper_Towel_pic10_large title

Day #12


Day #13


Day #14

pants-with-snaps title

Day #15


Day #16

no-sew-pacifier-clip-kam-clip-1 title

Day #17

fabric-pacifier-clip-with-kam-snaps title

Day #18


Day #19


Day #20

recycled-jean-cuff-bracelet-with-kam-snaps title

Day #21

Embroidered Cuff title

Day #22


Day #23


Day #24


Day #25

Crayon Roll with KAM Snaps title pic

Day #26

Tag Blanket with KAM Snaps and Pacifier Supplies title page

Day #27

Smart Phone Case and Wristlet with KAM Snaps title pic

Day #28

Bandana Bib with KAM Snaps title

Day #29

Care Bear with KAM Snaps vest title

Day #30

Mini Hobo Purse with KAM Snaps title

30 Days of Snaps Summary:

  1.  Day #1:  How To Repair Toddler Shoes with KAM Snaps
  2. Day #2: How To Repair a Snow Hat with KAM Snaps
  3. Day #3:  How To Repair a Doll Pram with KAM Snaps
  4. Day #4: How To Repair a Bra with KAM Snaps
  5. Day #5:  How to make an Adjustable Headband
  6. Day #6:  How to make Interchangeable Shabby Flowers
  7. Day #7:  How To Match Socks with KAM Snaps
  8. Day #8: How To Repair A Pair Of Jeans with KAM Snaps
  9. Day #9:  How To Recycle a Milk Jug into a Storage Container with KAM Snaps
  10. Day #10:  How To Make Unpaper Towels with KAM Snaps and a Serger
  11. Day #11: How To Make Unpaper Towels with KAM Snaps and a Standard Sewing Machine
  12. Day #12:  How To Make "No Sew" Unpaper Towels with KAM Snaps
  13. Day #13:  How to Repair a Tape Measure with KAM Snaps
  14. Day #14: How to Cinch the Waistband on Children's Clothing with KAM Snaps
  15. Day #15: How to make a "No Sew" Leash for a Toddler Cup with KAM Snaps
  16. Day #16:  How to make a "No Sew" Pacifier Clip with KAM Snaps and an Enamel Clip
  17. Day #17: How to make a Fabric Pacifier Clip with KAM Snaps and a Pacifier Clip
  18. Day #18: How to do a Emergency Easter Basket Repair with KAM Snaps
  19. Day #19: How to make a Pacifier Clip Using Recyled Jeans, KAM Snaps, and a Pacifier Clip
  20. Day #20:  How to make a Cuff Bracelet with Recycled Jeans and KAM Snaps
  21. Day #21: How to make a Cuff Bracelet with Recycled Jeans, Embroidery and KAM Snaps
  22. Day #22: How to make a Felt Coin Purse with KAM Snaps and PDF Pattern
  23. Day #23: How to make a Hanging Kitchen Towel with KAM Snaps
  24. Day #24: How to make a Felt Crown with KAM Snaps and PDF Pattern
  25. Day #25: How to Make a Crayon Roll with KAM Snaps
  26. Day #26: How to make a Sensory Ribbon Baby Tag Blanket with KAM Snaps and Pacifier Supplies
  27. Day #27:  How to make a Smart Phone Case and Wristlet with KAM Snaps and Key Fob Hardware
  28. Day #28: How to make a Bandana Bib with KAM Snaps and a PDF Pattern
  29. Day #29: How to make a vest for a Stuffed Animal with KAM Snaps and Holey Jeans
  30. Day #30: How to make a Mini Hobo Purse with KAM Snaps and a PDF Pattern