It’s been a while since I’ve had the chance to reintroduce myself. Hi there! I’m Gena, CEO and proud mom behind I Like Big Buttons!® 😊
We’re a family-owned small business nestled in beautiful Eastern Washington, and for the past two decades, we’ve been sharing our love of crafting with customers all over the internet.
When I’m not busy growing our craft business, I’m busy juggling the role of mom to my crew of many—most of whom are now adult-sized! They’ve grown up alongside the business, helping me curate, pack, and deliver high-quality craft supplies straight to you.
Who would have thought that when KAM® plastic snaps first caught my eye nearly 20 years ago, we’d still be here in 2024? Yet here we are, offering the largest color selection of KAM® Plastic Snaps, Key Fob Hardware, Cover Buttons, and other fun craft supplies to our loyal craft community. It’s all possible thanks to the help of my incredible kids and the unwavering support of my sweet husband.
I hope you find as much joy in crafting with our I Like Big Buttons!® supplies as I do. It’s an honor to support my family, teach my children the value of hard work, and be an intentional and hands-on mom—all thanks to I Like Big Buttons!® and your continued support.
Thank you, Gena (CEO of