How To Remove a Plastic Snap (socket) with KAM Snap Removal Pliers February 25 2015

How to remove a plastic snap (socket side) with KAM Snap Removal Pliers.


KAM Snap Removal Pliers pic3

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KAM Snap Removal Pliers pic2 with text


1.  With the socket die installed, locate the broken snap.

KAM Snap Removal Pliers pic5

2.  Turn snap cap side up with socket facing down.

KAM Snap Removal Pliers pic6

3.  Place broken snap in pliers, socket face down.  The socket will settle over the raised dome in die.

KAM Snap Removal Pliers pic7

4.  Apply firm pressure to the snap with the KAM Snap Removal Pliers.  You will hear a pop when the snap has broken.

KAM Snap Removal Pliers pic9

5.  This is what the cap and socket will look like once they have been broken.

KAM Snap Removal Pliers pic11

6.  Tada!  It is that easy!!!