30 Days of Snaps!!! Day #29: How to make a vest for a Stuffed Animal with KAM Snaps and Holey Jeans July 22 2014
Day #29
Today's KAM Snap tutorial is courtesy of my older boys. All creative credit goes to them. One day, I gave my oldest son a couple legs off some holey jeans that I turned into jean shorts to be creative with. He made one of his brothers this fun little tube vest. His brother was very appreciative but thought it could be better. So he cut the vest down the front and brought it to me asked for some snaps. I said,"Sure, what color?" To which he replied,"Orange (not a shock as that is his color of choice), oh, and Mom do you have them in star shapes?" Why yes I do, 16 brand new colors to be exact! :)
Making a Stuffed Animal a Vest with KAM Snaps and Holey Jeans
- A leg from a Holey Pair of Jeans
- 3 Star Shaped KAM Snap Sets
- KAM Snap Pliers and Awl
1. Courtesy of my boys, cut a tube from a leg of a pair of jeans.
2. Then cut 2 arm holes in the left and right top.
3. Cut straight down the front to create the vest.
4. Add Star Shaped KAM Snap Caps and Sockets to left side and Caps and Studs to the right side. I spaced them every 2".
5. Tada! Easy Peasy!!! OR....
6. ... In his down time, he is also a super hero. :P I used an extra burp cloth and a couple snaps, one day a long while ago, to cheer up a little boy :).