"No Sew" KAM Plastic Snaps Backpack Embellishments by ILikeBigButtons.com August 28 2019

My kiddos wanted a little embellishment on their backpacks this year so that they could tell theirs from the sea of backpacks at school. Simple, "No Sew", and I was able to customize each kiddo's backpack to match their personality. KAM plastic snaps to the rescue!

Mr. J wanted his backpack in his favorite color: Orange! He picked Size 20 KAM Plastic Snaps - B52 - Dark Orange.

Mr. M likes a little pizzazz in his wardrobe and his backpack is no exception. He picked Size 20 KAM Plastic Snaps - G96 -Mirror (Round shaped) and Star-Shaped KAM Plastic Snaps - G124 - Robin's Egg Blue.

Miss E is all about love. She chose Heart-Shaped KAM Plastic Snaps in G99 - Lilac and G96 - Mirror.

To see other great KAM Plastic Snap ideas, visit our DIY Project section here.